Mazafati dates

Mazafati Bam date is one of the date products of Iran. Due to the high humidity, this type of date is not considered a dried fruit. Mazafti Bam dates have black skin, shiny, thin and smooth and can be easily separated. This type of date has a lot of juice.

Many people know this date as Mazafati. Also, in many parts of the country, Mazafati dates are called only the word “Rotab”, which is interesting in its own way.

The color that people like for this date, and many buyers also prefer, is black, and even dark black affects the sales of this product. Although this date is also available in brown and dark brown. Because this date is red in the first stage of ripening. It is interesting to know that it turns black as it grows.

In its inherent structure, this date has a large amount of the mineral potassium, which can make Mazafati Bam dates a cure for diarrhea. One of the most important and major date products in Iran can be called Rotab Khorma Mazafati. This date is a type of soft date. Mazafati Bam dates are in high demand both domestically and internationally.